Our Favorite People.
Maid of Honor
Olivia Hsin
Olivia is one of my best friends. She's the person that has pushed me the most in my faith. She challenges me to follow Jesus wholeheartedly. She's someone I know will be in my life forever.
Maid of Honor
Gaby Cacheris
I met Gaby through Young Life College at CU Boulder. In knowing her over the years I've seen how her presence can shift a room, and how enticing she is to others.
Maid of Honor
Jaci Stickrod
I met Jaci through Boulder Valley Young Life, and since day 1 we've been as thick as thieves. She allows me to be silly and goofy.
Ann Ejuwa
I love Ann deeply. No matter how much time goes by where she and I aren't together, we always pick up exactly where we left. She's just the best.
Grace Carberry
Gracie and I met through God, through Target. She is someone that I can be completely real with. Our friendship is like glue and I know that no matter what happens, we'll be there for each other.
Taylor Beijer
Taylor and I have been friends through thick and thin. She is someone who pushes me to be a better person and a better friend. She is thoughtful and cares deeply about her friends.
Katie Burns
KK is someone I've known since birth. We've seen each other through many phases of life. I love that I have someone like her who's been around for it all.
Alyssa Potts
My last ever roommate. She is the most caring and thoughtful person. She exemplifies Christ by putting others before her in every aspect of life.
Brynna Roscoe
One of my most recent, yet favorite friendships. She is pure and lighthearted. She brings the joy and goofiness out of me and everyone around her.
Daniella Anaya
Daniella is a HOOT. She brings the life of the party. She is also someone who is really deep and a proverbs 27:17 friend.
Best Man
Diego Del Real
Diego is my absolute day one! He and I have walked with each other through everything. We know each other truly well and he is loyal to no end.
Brenden Jones
Brenden has made one of the biggest impacts on my life out of anyone. He has passion and boldness like nobody else I know. I'm truly thankful he's become one of my closest friends.
Daniel Padilla
Daniel is unshakeable. For as long as I've known him I've always admired his steadfastness and authenticity. He's generous like nobody I've ever met. His humor is unmatched and there's nobody else like him.
Peter Hensley
Peter is the most disciplined person I've ever met. He is also one of the deepest thinkers I know. He takes great care in all that he does and it has left a true impact on me today.
Jonah Rake
Jonah is one of my favorite people to hear talk about Jesus. He is anointed and truly wonderful. He's also crazy and I sometimes fear for my life when he leads the adventure.
Sam Hsin
Sam is a true statue of strength in our friend group. He is looked up to by all of us. He's an amazing coach to his kids and he holds so much truth in his back pocket there's always a profound word on the edge of his tongue.
Max Robbins
Max has wisdom that is truly like a treasure to behold. He is someone I feel truly comfortable being vulnerable with. He is a true conversationalist. I always leave our conversations feeling stirred and thankful.
CJ Van Wazer
CJ is like no man you will ever meet. He is a wonderful source of joy to the people around him. He's someone I can have deep conversations with and truly open up to.
Patrick Hurley
Patrick is always someone who's looking to provoke laughter and joy. He has a storehouse of humor and excitement whenever you see him. He is truly a gift to know and I am excited to be his brother in law.
Liam McChesney
Liam is hospitality personified. Nothing is ever too much for him and no matter where he is at in life, he will always be present with you. I have loved getting to share more of my life with him.